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“Verizon Tests Community High Speed Internet Option Using mmWave Spectrum”

Verizon’s latest efforts in developing its mmWave spectrum is a proof of concept that is targeted toward providing internet for multi-unit spaces, such as apartment buildings and townhomes.

The brand recently tested its concept in Texas, showcasing how the architecture, using Verizon’s mmWave high band spectrum can benefit several connections from a localized donor cell site, reliably and securely. In addition to residential areas, Verizon sees this option as ideal for business campuses and high rise buildings.

The internet provider detailed that the proof of concept works by letting buildings or communities to access to an airlink that connects licensed mmWave spectrum between a rooftop radio site that provides the connection and the radio end-point located at the at the building. This allows the signal to then be sent through a coaxial cable to where a data processing unit and main modem resides in the building. Then the building’s internal wiring is used to user’s enterprise or personal routers, ultimately providing broadband coverage that initially began as wireless.

The brand said this option would help keep the traffic of its 4G and 5G wireless connections less congested while providing high speed internet service to the customers of this services.

“Verizon has been building the infrastructure and assets for years to make this new design possible,” Verizon Senior Vice President of Technology Planning, Adam Koeppe said.

“Leveraging our significant fiber footprint in over 70 major markets nationwide and large amounts of ready-to-use mmWave spectrum, this new architecture means we will be able to provide point-to-multipoint architecture in a cost effective and efficient way,” he added.

Verizon has been building out its mmWave spectrum for some time and it appears that this could be one use case for the technology beyond smartphone compatibility. This multi-unit internet solution is an option for Verizon to utilize both its mmWave spectrum and fiber assets to benefit customers, as opposed to one technology for one set of customers and the other technology for a different set of customers. It is likely that mmWave will remain as a wireless option. However, if marketed, using multi-unit internet to support building connectivity in a campus and complex capacity could open open a massive stream of revenue for the company.

Fionna Agomuoh

Founder and Editor-in-Chief of I like smartphones, traveling, and long walks to the gym.

